Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections

 Summary Precincts Reporting Voter Turnout Reports   
Unofficial Results
Includes Early Voting
Includes Mail Ballots
Does Not Include Provisional Ballots
Does Not Include 10-Day Overseas Ballots

Check Map for Precincts Reporting.
[-] Download Reports
Type Description Download Size
Summary CSV Summary of election results in CSV (comma separated value) format. Contains votes received by each choice in each contest. 3.3 KB
Excel Spreadsheet Precinct level details for election results. Contains votes received by each choice in each contest in each precinct, by vote type. 210.7 KB
Detail TXT Precinct level details for election results in plain text format. Contains votes received by each choice in each contest in each precinct, by vote type. 178.6 KB
XML Report Precinct level details for election results in XML format. Contains votes received by each choice in each contest in each precinct, by vote type. 201.3 KB